
I learnt how to make and toss a pancake on my first evening at Cub Scouts age 7 (quite fitting, I was born late at night, on Mardi Gras). Not long after that, the Cubs taught me how to cook roast lamb and vegetables. Neither of my parents could cook and “foreign muck” was prohibited in our house, especially garlic! Meat was always burnt to a crisp – I knew I had to leave home in order to survive!
In the 1980’s I was a fashion photographer, working for clients such as Next and the Telegraph Magazine.
In the 1990’s I traveled – living in Spain, the United States and France. I could always cook, but I became intensely interested in food when I lived in Barcelona and the film Tampopo struck a particular chord – especially the raw egg scene.
Thinking that I’d like to open a restaurant one day, I worked as a chef for a year, however, working in a restaurant is stressful and if I’d continued I would have lost my joy for cooking. Gastronomy for my own amusement, or even catering parties and functions, is far more agreeable and relaxing, than cooking à la carte.

Since completing a degree in Video, Multimedia and Sound at Bristol School of Art, Media and Design (UWE) in 2000, I’ve been shooting and editing corporate video. In the final year of my degree, I set up a web TV channel called Mad Dog TV – 6 years before the advent of YouTube! During the last fourteen years I’ve been photographing my dinner, so now it’s Food Photographer…

Pecat de gola Déu el perdona – God pardons the sin of gluttony (Catalan proverb).

29 Responses to About

  1. Hi there Mad Dog, sorry I didn´t send you a message first about the award, but I see you have read my recent post! Congrats, really enjoy your blog 🙂

  2. Mad Dog says:

    Thanks for recommending me and no need to apologise – I really enjoy your blog too! 😉

  3. Hi, I just want to let you know that I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Here is the link: http://bluejellybeans.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/surprise-surprise/

  4. Excellent blog – I very much like the simple morcilla shot and the Independent shot. Nice work.

  5. azahar says:

    Just looked for you on twitter to leave a link to Red Magazine… and you’re not there! Had to leave a blog link instead.

  6. hi mad dog, good to see you last night at black eyed susan’s pv. just checked out your blog and am now very hungry……… talking of barbeque methods, have you ever tried beer butt chicken? my brother made his own stand to great effect out of a couple of coat hangers. R

  7. Conor Bofin says:

    Pouring rain here in Ireland today. I decided to sit in and adjust my header images. I cooked Dublin Bay Prawns yesterday and photographed them. I included one of the shots in my new header selection. Then I started looking at a few blogs and came across yours. My first reaction was “How did he steal my image so quickly?”. On second glance, I have to apologise for my initial reaction. Nice blog.

  8. Hi there,

    On behalf of Square Meal, I want to say a big ‘thank-you’ for linking your restaurant reviews to the Square Meal pages. I’ve really enjoyed reading about your meals and I particularly love the photos you’ve included and would like to let you know how valuable it is to Square Meal users to have easy access to other diners’ experiences, to help them choose a dining venue.

    Please do keep your blogs coming in and spread the word amongst your contacts. If you have any questions or suggestions about how we can improve your experience, please do get in touch – via email (eleanor@squaremeal.co.uk), phone, Facebook or Twitter.

    Best wishes


  9. Just found your blog, enjoying your recent gamey posts, look forward to reading more. Tracey

  10. ciao! luvFAB blog.

  11. Alex Milne says:

    An odd request. I am searching for a photo of an ox heart for a invitation for our engagement party. I love the one on your blog post, sitting on the top of the butcher’s paper. Could you/would you/how much would it cost to get a high res copy of that image? It would only be used for our personal use on the invite.

  12. Ben Rowe says:

    Hello, we are including a mention of Parliament Hill Cafe in the next issue of Time Out and I wondered if we could use your image as here – https://maddogtvdinners.wordpress.com/2010/12/17/parliament-hill-cafe/. We will of course credit you for the image. Many thanks, please let me know if this is possible at benrowe@timeout.com and if possible can you send me a high res version of the image?
    Many thanks, all the best, Ben, Time Out Picture Editor.

  13. Sorry MD for posting here, but I too can not get my comment out to you on your last post. And I am in South India – so there seems to be a problem somewhere, maybe WP? Since you cannot receive comments from Australia either, maybe you can find out whats gone wrong? thanks. Carina

    • Mad Dog says:

      Thanks Carina, sorry about the problems. I’m quite sure it’s WP too. They are always tinkering and on some occasions it makes it impossible to upload pictures or write a post! I would have to guess that WP does all its housekeeping when America sleeps. Anyway, it looks like the problem has gone now 🙂

  14. Hi. we ‘met’ via a Cooking in Sens post and I thought I would visit. I see you lived in France too! Perhaps I can pick up some photography tips here! Amanda

    • Mad Dog says:

      Hi Amanda, thanks for stopping by. I remember the conversation – cast iron pans. I have a pretty good set and one of my cheaper ones has got a chip, but they seem to be selling them everywhere in England at present for around £20! Le Creuset has responded by opening dedicated shops – still with very expensive price tags.

  15. I was struck by your comment about working as a chef. There was a time when I seriously thought about trying to open my own restaurant, but after talking to several chefs and owners, I was worried that turning my passion for cooking into a job, and a stressful one at that, might kill the joy of it. Even so, all these years later, I still wonder if that was the right choice, so hearing about your experience really struck a chord.

    • Mad Dog says:

      Never say never! I did it again for 6 months last year, in Spain. I might still do it again, though, catering private functions is a lot less stressful
      My first experience was marred when the head chef of the gastro pub I worked at became ill and the sous chef took over. She was out of her depth and took all her tension out on the staff. The sous chef quit three months later, just before the head chef came back and everything became much easier. Just as well, it was June and the start of the holiday season in Cornwall – we were doing at least 125 covers a night!

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